Thursday, April 21, 2011

history of florida

   Today I will be talking about the history of Florida how it became to be known as what it is today. People first reached Florida roughly around 12,000 years ago back then Florida’s sea level was much lower then what it is today. With the sea level lower Florida’s peninsula was more than twice as big as it is now mostly inhabited by hunters and gathers. Written records about the life in Florida didn’t begin until the 1500s with the arrival of the Spanish explorer Ponce de León. He tried to colonize the southwestern coast but quickly failed because of the attacks of the native people.
   Another attempt to colonize Florida was led years later by Tristán de Luna in but a series of misfortunes caused his efforts to be abandoned after two years. The Europeans weren’t the only people with their eyes set out on Florida the French were also interested in Florida. French explorer René Goulaine de Laudonnière

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