Thursday, April 21, 2011

history of florida

   Today I will be talking about the history of Florida how it became to be known as what it is today. People first reached Florida roughly around 12,000 years ago back then Florida’s sea level was much lower then what it is today. With the sea level lower Florida’s peninsula was more than twice as big as it is now mostly inhabited by hunters and gathers. Written records about the life in Florida didn’t begin until the 1500s with the arrival of the Spanish explorer Ponce de León. He tried to colonize the southwestern coast but quickly failed because of the attacks of the native people.
   Another attempt to colonize Florida was led years later by Tristán de Luna in but a series of misfortunes caused his efforts to be abandoned after two years. The Europeans weren’t the only people with their eyes set out on Florida the French were also interested in Florida. French explorer René Goulaine de Laudonnière

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

sony vs microsoft

   For many years Sony and Microsoft have always been in competition with one another. Both companies have come out with all sorts of products but the most discussed rivalry would be sonny’s play station 3 vs. Microsoft’s Xbox 360. Each one of these systems has their strengths and weaknesses so that’s why they are in such a big rivalry with one another. A major part of this rivalry comes from online gaming which is basically a way for people to play other people all around the world. Although both systems have it there are some pros and cons to both of them which make them in such rivalry with one another.
   The play station lets you play online for free rather than with Xbox where you have to pay for it. It may seem that play station is the better system because of the free online it’s actually not because there are things about the Xbox that can rival that. With the Xbox you can experience a larger online gaming community which means there are more people playing online on the Xbox than on the play station. The Xbox also has better games for it that are only for the Xbox like with the game halo which is a very popular game that’s only for the Xbox.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

They’re all sorts of types of people in the world that enjoy music. They have all different types of music in the world for instance they have country music, rap music, rock music and mini more types. Music usually differs depending on where you live in the world for example most Hispanic people listen to reggae, which is a more Hispanic type, which is a Spanish type of music. So for this blog I will be going around interviewing people on what they think about music. The following questions are the ones that I will be interviewing people on.
1)      What do you consider to be the best type of music and why?
-I consider Hip-hop the best because it makes more sense than other music when u listen to it.
2) What is your favorite song and why?
-My favorite is I need a hot girl because I grew up listening to that.
3) Would you prefer to listen to hip-hop or country music and why?
-I would prefer to listen to hip-hop because it makes more sense then country music.
4) Do you think that music influences people?
-Yes because people tend to imitate what rapper say and how they dress.
5) How has music changed from ten years ago?
 -It’s changed because of the more advanced technology that has become
available since then.
6) Who is your favorite artist and why?
-My favorite artist is Mannie fresh because I like his beats.
7) What encouraged you to listen to music?
-Everybody was listening to it everywhere I go.
 8) Would you rather listen to old music or new music?
-I rather listen to new music because it sounds better.
9) Do you think the Internet effects music?
-Yes because it’s a good way to promote music.
     So by doing this interview I have learned many new things about the music world. Some of these things would include how music has from ten years ago. As long as our technology continues to advance music will always be changing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

   McDonalds first opened in 1940 as a barbeque restaurant. The founders of McDonalds were dick and Mac McDonald. When dick and Mac first opened their store in San Bernardino California it was nothing more then a drive in restaurant with a large menu and a car hop service. Dick an Mac shut down the restaurant for three months for alternations. When they reopened the restaurant they reduced their menu to nine items with their staple item the 15 cent hamburger.
   They would then replace their potato chips with their world famous French fries. After they added French fries they began to expand McDonalds by opening their second shop in Des Plains, Illinois. They would eventually grow from two restaurants to a hundred. Their restaurant in Denver would become the first one with indoor service. In 1963 McDonalds would expand their restaurants to 500 with the opening of their one in Toledo Ohio.
   A couple years later they would air their first commercial advertising  their new item the big mac.

Monday, February 14, 2011

life after the military

   In this blog we will be talking about life for military veterans. The military is lifestyle is very stressful because your life is constantly on the line. After you get out of the military its hard to adapt to living an everyday lifestyle. Its hard because your used to people trying to attack you an to waking up with about two hours of sleep. This causes some veterans to develope mental problems after they get out.
   When you have metal problems your brain doesn't function properly. This can cause you to do things that you normally wont do. For example somebody can say something to you an that can cause you to get really mad an assault them. They had one veteran that suffered from a mental disorder that beat his wife. He didnt even know that he had a mental disorder.
   They asked him why he did it he didnt even know why he did it. So they took him to the hospital an he was diagnosed by a doctor that he had one.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Future of video games

   I have been interested in video games since I've been a child.What really interest me about video games is the different types and the different adventures each game has to offer.They have all types of games to play like racing games that let you race other people an games that let go on missions to kill people.Though I've always wondered how these games will be changed in the future.Will these games become more realistic only time can tell.
   So by reading this you can expect to learn what the future of the gaming world will b like. I am predicting that within the next ten years you can expect to see more advanced type of games. There already starting to make games more realistic like with the xbox kinnect. The kinnect allows you to more intactive with the game because whatever you do your doing it in the game also. So if they could come this far just imagine what you can expect to see 10 years from now.